Sustainable employability and health and safety support

A successful policy for sustainable employability focuses on different elements within career, vitality, work environment and organisational culture. vhp human performance embeds sustainable employability in your organisation. We quickly recognise opportunities for improvement. We work closely with HRM in this respect. This gives your organisation a solid foundation from which you can grow.

vhp assesses and improves the vitality and work ability of employees and organisations. We focus on the work aspects that provide energy and reduce the work aspects that consume energy. We create teamflow as a solid base for interaction and collaboration. This increases the energy levels of employees and improves performance.

One of the founders of vhp human performance has written the subject of ergonomics in the Working Conditions Act. We help sector organisations and social partners to improve working conditions. We draw up working conditions catalogues. We stimulate self-regulation through innovative processes such as the Vignette Health and Safety in the confectionary sector. We carry out independent research and give advice on issues and disputes between social partners at sector and organisational level.

We are proud to share our knowledge in society. We develop instruments such as (in-depth) RI&E instruments. We also publish new insights i.e. in AI magazines and manuals on ergonomics, human factors, physical load and office design.

We also help our clients with more practical matters. We support them in implementing a well-functioning working conditions structure and policy. And we carry out RI&Es, train prevention staff and ergo coaches and provide ergonomics training for buyers, technical service and designers.